Sunday, April 8, 2012

Closet Spring Cleaning – Keep or Toss?

Even if you don’t live in a city that experiences the four seasons, you always need to go through a yearly spring cleaning.

The yearly ritual of spring cleaning doesn’t only apply to cleaning out old cabinets and heavy duty dusting; it applies to all areas of the home including your closet.  I know there a million and one times you have stood in front of your closet and said “I don’t have anything to wear” or “I need a new wardrobe.”  Sound familiar? Yes I am guilty too, but you may be pleasantly surprised at what you already have.  You should take spring cleaning as an opportunity to not only refresh your home and closet, but creatively come up with new looks you may not have thought of before. Here are some tips:

·         Divide & Conquer:
o   Separate clothing into categories:
§  Wear all the time. Love it
§  Sometimes. It gets some love
§  Stained or faded. Not in the best shape
§  Never wear anymore. Time to part ways
·         Give Back:
o    My general rule of thumb is if I haven’t worn it in over a year, it’s got to go.
o   Once you have separated clothes, pick out items that are for donation.
o   This is an opportunity to give to those more in need. Plus a tax deduction is always nice.
·         Storage:
o   Purchase large plastic bins, zippered sweater/blanket bags for storage.
o   Store clothing according to season.
o   Wash or dry-clean clothing before storing.
·         Stretch your $$$:
o   Protect your investment.  Moth balls!
o   Don’t like the smell, they come in lavender pouches as well.
·         Grouping:
o   Once you have your clothes sorted. Hang in color blocks and type.
o   Group all shirts  All tank tops together, all capri pants together in one area.  All tank tops together, all capri pants together in one area. together, dresses together, jeans together, etc…
o   Then group by colors.
o   This allows you to remember what you have and find pieces easier.
·         Hangers:
o   Discard all wire hangers.
o   They ruin clothes and are only meant to be temporaryWire hangers ruin clothes and are meant for short term purposes only.
o   Purchase p If you have extra bucks purchase velvet, suede or wooden hangers. Easily found online and at local retailers.

Spring cleaning can be a therapeutic process. A cleanse if you will. Now that you have some tips try it.  How many clothing articles do you think will you find in your closet or bins that you forgot you even had?

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